"No Fair Job Fair and Social Network Foolery"
by Jackie da Model
This is the story of an unfortunate event and a lesson on avoiding social networking drama. As I read my daily tweets, emails, and informative notifications from friends I came across a text blast for a job fair. Being the thoughtful person I am, I sent it to a friend that is currently struggling looking for employment. I even hooked up her resume!
Later that day I call to ask her about the job fair, she told me it never existed. I was mortified!! The site of Job Fair was at Brooklyn College. The source of posting was the Fox 5 News website.
“Excuse me where is the Job Fair that was advertised for Brooklyn College Location” she asked a security guard. “What Job Fair?, Why does everyone keep asking me about a Job Fair, there is nothing going on here today” He whined annoyed that she was not the first and most likely not the last to ask him that on his shift!

I bet he couldn’t wait to leave his post. Anyway the moral of the story is any “Blast” you get on Blackberry Messenger, Twitter, and or other social networks should be thoroughly referenced and even if a News Station with a good reputation in society posts a blog, you should probably call before heading out the house. Save the time, energy, and money before taking a chance. That was a No fair Job Fair!!!

I looked it up, and what happened was they made a posting they then edited the blog and changed it to Tuesday August 24th without keeping the misinformation from August 23rd post and clarifying there was a change in schedule. So that means there was an angry mob yesterday and minimal outcome today due to mis-communication.

Examples of boredom and annoyance on social network blasts all over the world.
“Please read this now (insert cheesy blast here), if you don't fwd to all your friends your phone will erase all of your contacts”
“God said to tell you that (insert motivational, or passive aggressive saying) and you must fwd this or something bad/good will/wont happen to you”..
“Select from 1-10 ( list of idiotic and immature choices on what you feel toward the sender) and then re post to see what ppl think of you” (1. cute, 2. sexy, 3. relationship material, 4. one night stand, 5. ugly as hell.. etc… lol )
“Whos up” (written at 4am…obviously YOU are if you blasting this..some of us like to sleep!)
SERIOUSLY??????… First of all God doesn't do email, twitter, or BBM…and he is not going to condemn me for sending you to spam folder. Second of all if God is messaging you its time to re evaluate your sanity.
Examples of attempts at helpful / resourceful messaging:
“Hey everyone please see list of Phone numbers for city jobs and pass along to whomever is in need..”
“Amber alert for (insert description) ….” <—(sometimes these are blown outta proportion but most times they work and help save lives.
Now that you get the idea.. if you have a blackberry you now have a heads up on the BBM Blast app and who to avoid!! lol.. if you read your email blasts or use social networks.. keep your eyes open and ears peeled ..don’t jump to conclusions before researching.
Good ways to avoid email spam are:
ON EMAIL: www.boxbe.com (Boxbe is the easy-to-use free service that organizes your inbox and eliminates your email … Unlike built-in spam filters)
ON TWITTER: http://www.truetwit.com
- Verify people from robots
- Avoid Twitter spam
- Save time managing your followers
Well they havent developed anything yet, so best advice is to just be selective with accepting friends and if they send you any blasts that annoy you warn and delete!
If you are in the industry, you should maintain a personal page as well as an entertainment page to avoid spam. A lot of promoters tag us in flyers for events on FB .. my tactic is to write on comment field with a snippy reply on my Jackie mode!! example- “Hi this is Jackie’s page, i am not a bulletin board perhaps if you invite her directly she may go.” or my favorite ” This is my pay-pal email ______@___.com please submit deposit for my promotion or appearance at this venue, thank you in advance” They are bound to leave you alone!
I hope this was helpful … stay tuned.. for Jackie Speaks Radio Show beginning August 9th Every Thursday 8-10pm sharp est on www.urbanlatinoradio.fm