Jillian Valentin
"The younger man"
Dating in this day and age is hard enough, first impression is everything... Right? I see bad relationships on a daily basis and if that isn't discouraging enough, there are just too many "bad guys" or girls out there! (Pause for heavy sigh). Society makes it ok for a older man to date a younger woman and that's ok, naturally a woman is at a 5 year difference in maturity then a man younger then her, possibly more in my case. (Usually my luck!) But what about some of those instances where it works out? Take Demi more and Ashton they seem to make it work and he's damn near close to the age of her older daughter. But in the public eye, those who grew up in front of a camera grow up faster. I guess, but what about in "real life" is it possible for an older woman to be with a younger man even if there not on the same wave length? Maybe when they are both at a happy med and both are mature, but what about in there early 20s? And if so how can you make it work?
I have this personal joke with friends that everyone now a days is 23 years old, I came to this observation since all I meet are 23 year olds or if they aren't, they are 22 a month or 2 away from 23 or about to turn 24, but always in that range! I don't know if half of them are lying or what but trust me, now that I have said it you'll notice it too!! I'm not old and in my early 20s however its safe to say I have an old soul and feel a lot older then what I am anyways lol. I had been in a relationship with a younger man when I was 20 and he was 18, (he lied of his age when we met) you may not think this is a huge gap but this kid was all over the place! He had a good heart but was the biggest player I know! However he was very young and just getting his feet wet in dating so I don’t hold a grudge to that.
Its hard enough to be a woman now a days trying to settle yourself with no help and live your dream all your own, then have a younger guy who's still trying to figure it all out when you passed that long ago! It’s difficult to say the least. What if a woman is 26 and the guy just turned 24? Do you think that would work? A 2-year gap is a lot more in emotional years! As my sisters boyfriend has said, a “24 year old man is 14 in girl years” lol. I know this girl in this age situation and at times they are great from what I see! Seem happy, however although she seems content with the way it is and isn't pushing it to go further, he does things that set her back! She's attentive, and takes his time seriously where as he's always on a whim. She meets him and if she's trying to talk, he's on his skateboard barely paying attention. She makes her way to see him and the only times he's done it for her is last min. As though his other plans failed or he's done what was better b4 choosing her. Hmmm I don't know what this seems like, or what else it could be, maybe another woman or maybe just a huge gap in maturity. I say both and mainly another woman… and dun duuunnn duuuunnn.. I was actually correct! She found out too little too late! Ah well.
Ladies if you catch yourself in this situation then may I suggest you weigh the options, pros and cons. If its something that you feel is more good then bad and might possibly grow then stick around and enjoy yourself it can get better. But in any relationship no matter age or matter reason, if it’s bad its bad and don't ever expect anyone to change or join you on a page they aren't ready for! Save yourself the trouble and let it go!
In every relationship beginning there is always a point and time where you have that chance to break free, the time where you pause and you know you can leave b4 you get attached! That's when you really need to get it right, because after that you just get in way too deep! Well that's it for my opinion on this! Good luck to all in any relationship.
Talk to ya soon!
– Jillian V
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