Recently, I did an informative article about being a Recessionista by giving tips on how to save money. It is so hard to keep up with all the expenses and material items we want and/or need. I did some research and compiled a list of life's little joys that that are absolutely free yet we tend to take for granted. My personal opinion? I'll take these 25 items over any Louie bag any day!!!
1) That look your dog, your cat, your monkey, or your ferret gives you. Those sad, hush puppy eyes that always melts your heart away.
2) Being nice to people! Don't you feel better when you do something nice for someone and don't expect anything back? That smile they give you of appreciation? Did you know that kindness is what separates us from being animals?? Offer your seat to an elderly or a female (chivalry, anyone?) hold a door for, gosh sakes, smile! Someone could be falling in love with it.
3) Ever heard of a library card? Guess what? IT'S FREE! Go to the library in your town and you can even browse the internet and read the Millennium Triology, borrow all these great dvd's for the twentieth time and legally borrow music to download! Plus, they always offer different kinds of free classes from adults to toddlers. Support your local library, man.
4) Go on a nature walk, it's good for you too. Research shows that being outdoors, taking nature walks, camping, can all relieve you from stress, and lower your blood pressure. Hearing outdoor sounds and seeing the bigger picture of life can really make you feel balanced.
5) Ponte a coquetiar! A coqui what ?? Flirt! Doesn't matter if you've just got a little crush on a guy/girl on the train you always see, been with your girl/boyfriend for only two months or with your wife/husband of 15 years… its always great to add some spice to your life. That rush we get when we are smitten and giddy about someone always makes you feel good.
6) Everyone always says time is money. Depends on how you think about it. Stop thinking about money for a second and look at your kids, look at your momma, smell the flowers! I believe time is the most valuable asset we have. How are you going to invest your time? Enjoy.
7) A nice hot bath or shower after a long day. You could have the "worst day ever" but once you hit the showers or take a nice bubble bath; it all just seems to go away. Wash away those stresses. Put some Sade on. Light some smelly-good-stuff candles. Breathe.
8) Naps. It is a proven fact that your body functions so much better once you've have had a nap. In other parts of the world societies revolve around "siestas". Classes are either in the morning or in the afternoon. You either get to be done with school early or go to school late. Shops close from 2pm to 4pm in the afternoon. People take naps. It's normal. Just not in America, unfortunately. (Who wants to start a petition?) Word to the wise: Take naps in 20 minute, 60 minute, or 90 minute intervals. Sleeping for longer than that or in between can make you feel groggy and worse than before.
9) Silence & solitude helps me really go into some deep thinking. Even though I'm constantly on the go, I love that feeling when I'm driving in my car after a big event or radio show. I can't use my phone, radio is off, just looking at the road. No twitter, facebook, bbm, internet. It wouldn't kill you to shut off your Iphone or Blackberry sometimes.
10) Musica Maestro! Many times I've used the subway or have had to walk like a crazy person around in the city. Most of the time I'm either stressing about what to cook for dinner or what I have to type up next. It's a nice distraction when you hear someone performing you're favorite 80's song or see a group of cool break dancers. You can't help but smile and appreciate it.
11) Your good, old friends pick up your drunk phone calls at 2am, make you laugh till you cry, know about all the times you've embarrassed yourself, never tell any of your secrets, and are probably not an any social network (and they don't understand your addiction).
12) Becoming friends with new people especially ones that share interests that your good, old friends don't really understand is exciting! You can learn interesting, new things about each other that will in turn mold you to decide who you are and what you really want from life.
13) Getting a good night's sleep is the best thing you can have I believe, for free. It is proven that it helps with making you think better, be better, and sleeping well prolongs aging. Less wrinkles, guys! In other words, sleeping 8 hours a night is the "mythological" fountain of youth!
14) Know who you are. Therapy is said to help you find out who you are. Why spend the money on therapy?? Ask yourself: Do you know who you are? Do you know what what makes you tick? Do you know how to make YOU feel good about yourself? All you need is will, time to reflect, and either a pen or keyboard. Ask yourself. Don't be scared to find out how great you are.
15) Super Spring! My favorite season is FREE! Its not cold yet not hot. Perfect. Feels great and the fashion looks fresh! Everything is in full bloom. A gentle, happy warning that summer is almost coming :)
16) The darnest things kids say. They're innocent randomness can make even the grumpiest person's day. "Hey miss, you're so pretty" (BiG SMiLE) or asking you if you could name your next child Spongebob. It will never get old for me.
17) Forgive and Forget. Saying your wrong is never easy but it does help us let go of any guilt we have. Forgiving someone that hurt you also helps you let go of any resentment.
18) Hugs, cuddles, caresses, making out, and soft kisses. Enough said.
19) Confidence is the name of the best outfit you've ever owned. Ever heard of "Clothing doesn't make the man, the man makes the clothes." You don't get it from a new pair of shoes. So you should already know it comes from inside.
20) You know family can drive us crazy sometimes but the sense of community you feel when your with people that you hold dear to your heart is irreplaceable. We all come from somewhere, and to know that someone loves you even when they hate you.
21) Partying it up! It could be just you and someone else. You could be sweating it up with 20 friends or dancing in the shower like no one is watching! Jamming to your preferred choice of music is one of the best things about life.
22) To be understood. One of the most powerful things in life is knowing that someone, whoever it may be, understands you and what you are going through.
23) The most beautiful light show on earth. Watching the sunset or the sunrise. Priceless.
24) Bedtime. Whether your going to bed after a fresh shower from a stressful day or tucking in your mini-you and kissing them on the forehead, these are the sweetest moments of the day.
25) Life can be super hard. But knowing that you've gave it your all is a feeling of pride that no one can take from you not for all the money in the world. Self-satisfaction is all about knowing you put your best foot forward no matter what happened.
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