Jillian Valentin
I've come a long way from where I once was, as I was in a bad place, mentally, emotionally, career wise! I have had ups and downs. And am still pushing to make it! Ever since ULR and SLJE I have been happier then I have been in a long time! B4 this I was in a music group busting my ass, pushing for us to make and was carrying all the weight alone! I have been taken advantage of a whole lot in my life because I am what my close friends call me "Too Nice". Somehow it doesn't stop me from being good to people even when they aren't doing the same back!
I still have my moments that are less happy then others but over all I feel I'm in a good place. For some reason I can't let go of the over trying, over thinking, "Too Nice" person in me... I have thick skin, however should I be different? Should I be a lil bit meaner and take advantage of the people just like ones who have to me, with out one thought?
Have you ever asked yourself that b4? Are you too nice? I do have very few people in my life that are just as I am, maybe some that tougher, but they are good to me! Mentally I'm too helpful and unselfish of a person to be in this industry, but my heart wants what it wants. Not everyone is going to be great to everyone, but at least you might be lucky enough to find a few who see the same way you do! In the end, just be who you are no matter how much you may be pushed around! Keep your head up and know that Karma will take care of the rest!
-Jillian V
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